Massive Anti-Nuke Rally held in Tokyo 【脱原発デモ】15000人が渋谷に結集!

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にほんブログ村 政治ブログへ

On 07 May 2011 (Sat), massive anti-nuke rally was held in Shibuya district, Tokyo, Japan. The rally was called for through twitter, blogs and SNS. Regardless of the rainy weather, about 15,000 people participated in the demonstration and marched in the centre of the capital city until the evening demanding to stop all of the nuclear power plants in Japan which is often hit by natural disasters such as large earthquakes and tsunami.

Japan’s police force took the irritating and oppressive method, and separated the demonstrators into about 18 – 20 of tiny groups so that they were able to control the rally easily. Amid the rally police arrested 2 of the participants however the reason of the arrest is uncertain. This method is often taken by Japanese police in the demonstration.

Meanwhile the prime minister Naoto Kan requested Chubu Electric on 06 May 2011to shut down the controversial Hamaoka nuclear power plant in central Japan which is told to be weak for the earthquake and be one of the most dangerous nuclear power plants in the world.

However it is reported that the government decision is not to shut down Hamaoka power plant for good. The government is planning to restart it after the electric company completes the construction of the barrier for tsunami in front of it. Some critics pointed that Kan declared it to gain the support from public and maintain his unpopular cabinet. Others pointed that Kan wants to make the declaration as a ‘souvenir’ for G8 summit to avoid the critisism and skeptical view of the other countries against Japanese government over Fukushima nuclear power plants which is still not under control. Kan has not revealed clearly yet whether his will is to shut down Hamaoka for good or suspend it temporarily.

[The videos of the anti-nuke rally on 07 May] Uploaded by participants

See also;
Japan anti-nuclear protesters rally after PM call to close plant” (Reuter, 07 May)

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